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What are the specific distribution cabinets
- 2019-08-28-

Electricity transmission has to pass through a series of places before it can reach the user's hands and be used.

We call this step the power distribution step. The power of a certain circuit of the upper-level power distribution equipment is distributed to the nearby load through the unified control of the power distribution cabinet, and the load is protected, monitored and controlled.

The power distribution cabinets we know are collectively referred to as the last-stage equipment of power distribution systems such as power distribution cabinets, lighting distribution cabinets, and metering cabinets.

Let ’s take a look at them one by one:

1. Power distribution cabinet: It is the final equipment of the power distribution system. The power distribution cabinet is a switchgear, measuring instrument, protective appliance and auxiliary equipment assembled in a closed or semi-enclosed metal cabinet or screen according to the electrical wiring requirements to form a low-voltage power distribution device. Do a good job of early supervision and control for the distribution of the next level of power.

2. Lighting distribution cabinet: It is mainly composed of wires, components including isolation switches, circuit breakers, etc. and cabinets. It is mainly responsible for the protection, distribution and conversion of electrical energy at the end of the power supply system.

3, metering cabinet: the name can be derived, is installed in each door of each household device for measuring electricity consumption.

These devices are all important electrical devices, so before use and safety, it is necessary to ensure that the ambient air temperature is not too high or too low, which will cause damage to the circuit.

And the surroundings should be kept clean and tidy. Do not install in dusty places, this will hurt the lines. It is also necessary to ensure that the air is as dry as possible. Electricity is most afraid of water and humid environments, which can easily cause short circuits and increase safety risks.

Finally, a special room is arranged in the power house to ensure the normal operation of the system. Regular maintenance and inspection are also required to ensure the safety of power consumption.